Within the framework of a call for tenders, we were able to win the great project “Ehrenamtsakademie – für das Handwerk in Baden-Württemberg”.
What is the „Ehrenamtsakademie“?
From the general assembly member of a chamber to the honorary examiner in the journeyman’s examination committee, the apprenticeship supervisor in the guild or members in committees of associations – they all fulfil essential tasks of representing the interests of the skilled crafts and self-administration on an honorary basis. In order to ensure the future effectiveness of the craft sector, its honorary office also needs to be sustainable and future-oriented.
We, the neckarfreunde, support this valuable project of the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg and HANDWERK BW in cooperation with the Chambers of Crafts and the guilds and trade associations of Baden-Württemberg in all communication measures. There are many great tasks that we are now doing together. We thank you very much for your trust.