neckarfreunde win German Design Award 2024
7. December 2023

neckarfreunde win German Design Award 2024

neckarfreunde gewinnen zweimal den German Design Award 2024

Liebe Freunde, Kunden und Partner,

following our great success at the German Brand Award, we are delighted to inform you today about another exciting piece of news:

We have won the German Design Award twice!

We were committed and really went the extra mile for our customers. A few days ago, we received the wonderful news, which certainly marks a sensational end to an exciting year. The international jury of the German Design Council has met and made its decision:
We are delighted to have received the following awards for outstanding design quality:

  • »Winner« für Corporate Design in der Kategorie – Excellent Communications Design – Corporate Identity
  • »Winner« in der Kategorie – Excellent Communications Design – Web

A big thank you goes to all our customers who place their trust in us, and a huge thank you to the entire neckarfreunde team. We are incredibly proud of our achievements.


Sensational recognition for outstanding design achievements: The German Design Award, presented by the German Design Council, is at the top of the list worldwide as a premium award. As one of the most prestigious prizes in the design landscape, it is held in the highest regard due to its global influence and cross-industry approach. Since 2012, the German Design Award has established itself as a signpost for key design trends. It not only presents these trends to a broad public, but also recognizes them with a coveted award. Year after year, outstanding contributions in the categories of product design, communication design and architecture are honored as part of this coveted award.

neckarfreunde is a strategic design agency with a strong focus on branding and digital. You would like to learn more about us? Get in touch with us:

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70178 Stuttgart, Germany
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