Special price for B2C/Live - Werbeagentur Stuttgart – Neckarfreunde
27. February 2024

Special price for B2C/Live

Today we were delighted to receive a visit from Dr. Nina Guérin and Julia Gysel from the Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg. Together we received the German Agency Award in the category “Special Price for B2C/Live”. We organised the “Flagge zeigen gegen Diskriminierung” event and developed a successful campaign together.

We are delighted to have received this award and are proud that our campaign not only impressed the organisers and participants, but also the jury.

A big “Thank You” goes to everyone involved! You have contributed to this success with your hard work and dedication. Thank you very much for the great teamwork.

neckarfreunde is a strategic design agency with a strong focus on branding and digital. You would like to learn more about us? Get in touch with us:

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Silberburgstraße 187
70178 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 87 87 46-40
