A new look at the future of craft
2. March 2023

A new look at the future of craft

We are very pleased that we were once again able to convince HANDWERK BW, based in Stuttgart, with our holistic campaign concept and our previous work for the future initiative “Handwerk 2025” as part of the 2023 tender. With numerous offers, thousands of craft enterprises have already been successfully supported in questions of personnel, strategy, digitalisation or sustainability. The result is impressive.

(…) The aim is to support the skilled crafts in the state during structural change and to make them fit for the challenges of the future,” emphasised Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister of Economics, Labour and Tourism. “We will continue this process with a variety of measures in the coming years and adapt it to new challenges,” added the Minister.

Since the start of the project in 2018, more than 12,500 companies have been reached through the personnel consultations alone, which are located at the chambers of crafts in the state. More than 7,000 consulting days were conducted within the scope of intensive consulting, especially in the areas of strategy, digitalisation and sustainability.

As in previous years, the communicative measures will be designed, supervised and realised by us.
Thank you very much for the years of trust.

neckarfreunde is a strategic design agency with a strong focus on branding and digital. You would like to learn more about us? Get in touch with us:

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70178 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 87 87 46-40
