Event planning for LADS
17. May 2023

Event planning for LADS

For diversity. Against Discrimination – The Anti-Discrimination Agency of the State of Baden-Württemberg (LADS) invites you to Königsstraße in front of the Kunstmuseum in Stuttgart on 25 May 2023 – and we will be there!

We plan and realise the high-profile and important event in Stuttgart on Königstraße (in front of the Kunstmuseum). In various programme categories, LADS flies the flag against discrimination and for diversity with artistic contributions, poetry slams and live music. In addition to the organisation and management, our team created various advertising formats such as posters, advertisements and social media postings.

What awaits you?

From 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., visitors can look forward to a colourful stage programme full of artistic contributions, expert lectures, live music and food trucks for the physical well-being.

At around 6 pm, State Secretary Dr Ute Leidig will give a welcome address. The musical highlight and finale of the event will be a performance by soul pop singer and songwriter Tabea Booz and her band.

A colourful and diverse programme awaits you.

neckarfreunde is a strategic design agency with a strong focus on branding and digital. You would like to learn more about us? Get in touch with us:

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Silberburgstraße 187
70178 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 87 87 46-40
