neckarfreunde wins again for "Handwerk 2025
25. January 2022

neckarfreunde is once again awarded the contract for “Handwerk 2025” – the future initiative.

We are very pleased that we were once again able to convince the Baden-Württembergischer Handwerkstag e.V., based in Stuttgart, with our holistic campaign concept and our previous work for the future initiative “Handwerk 2025” as part of the 2022 tender.

As in the previous year, neckarfreunde will be in charge of the conception, supervision and realisation of all communication measures in 2022. With the new sustainability offensive within the framework of the funding project, new topics have been opened up since January, which synergistically flow into the overall communication to all craft enterprises in Baden-Württemberg.

The future initiative “Handwerk 2025” is a project of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg and the Baden-Württemberg Crafts Council (Baden-Württembergischer Handwerkstag e.V.) in cooperation with the Chambers of Crafts and the State Guilds and Trade Associations of Baden-Württemberg.

The neckarfreunde are very pleased. Thank you for the trust.

neckarfreunde is a strategic design agency with a strong focus on branding and digital. You would like to learn more about us? Get in touch with us:

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